Introduction to Two-Tier Application

Introduction to Two-Tier Application


2 min read

Today we are going to discuss Two-Tier Applications that have front-end and backend codes and how they are deployed. This will be a series of blogs so let's continue.

Consider a simple Flask application that has both front-end and backend codes and they are stored in a code repository mainly in GitHub. Let's understand it with a picture of the architecture of how a two-tier app is run and deployed -

  1. GitHub - GitHub is the place where you keep all the codes for your application. This is the place where all developers in the team can work on the same project simultaneously by making different branches.

  2. Flask and MySql - The Second thing you see is front end is made by Flask and the database of it is done through mysql. So let's consider flash code to be the frontend and the database of SQL to be the backend of the code.

  3. Docker - Now here's the main cherry Docker is used to build test and deploy the application quickly and easily. Docker packages any applications into containers that have everything that the software needs. The above image shows one docker build for the front end and another for the back end.

  4. DockerHub - This is the place or repository where the docker build is kept you can consider it like GitHub but this place is used only for docker builds.

  5. Kubernetes - Kubernetes is a platform that manages and deploys docker containers at scale. All rollouts and updates are easily managed here.

  6. Helm - Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes.

  7. AWS - As everyone knows the cloud deployment service by Amazon is to deploy any application in the cloud.

This was an overall introduction to the concept.

